Pre-Pub Adventure: October 2017

This is an exciting month because all of our Pre-Pub authors books publish!

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Every month we follow authors on their publishing adventure. Have you ever wondered how authors prepare for a book release or what they are working on while also getting ready to publish a new book? How do they multitask? What is publishing like? Find out on Pre-Pub Adventure as we follow authors to publishing their books.

Let’s check in with our authors and celebrate their releases!

Congrats to Nic Stone on her NY Times Bestseller Dear Martin!

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Nic Stone

1. Your book is released! How do you feel?

I’m… not exactly sure? Lol! The truth is, I haven’t had time to process anything, and won’t until December when I’m at home for an extended stretch of time. The morning after launch, I hopped on a plane to San Francisco. Which is where I am now. Tomorrow I fly back to the East Coast for ReadUp Greenville. Next week is Boston… and so on. I feel like I’m riding a tornado.

2. Do you have any plans for your release? Book tour?

I had a very excellent launch party and will be hopping around a ton over the next couple months. See where I’m going to be here:

3. What’s next for you?

Hopefully a good night’s sleep at some point! Book two is on the move as well 🙂

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Follow Nic: Twitter * Instagram * YouTube


1. Your books is published! Congrats! How does that feel? What’s next for you?

It feels amazing! I think the most amazing part was seeing my daughter’s excitement when she saw my book on a shelf in the bookstore. The official launch will be this weekend at Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston. And then I go on a Texas Book Tour. I will also be at the Texas Book Festival the first week of November.

2. You recently just attended MPIBA 2017 Trade Show, tell us what that was like?

It was awesome. I got to meet and talk to so many booksellers. I did this event they call speed-dating where authors rotate around to 14 tables, spending 5 minutes at each table talking about their books. My voice was a little sore afterwards, but it was so nice to be able to get in front of booksellers and make that in person connection. I also got to meet a lot of authors, which was also nice. Writing is such a solitary experience; it’s nice to be able to get out and talk to people. Especially book loving people. Oh, and I have to throw in that there was a book trivia competition in which the teams were divided according to state. Naturally, Texas won. Hahaha…gotta represent!:)

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3. What are you working on now?

Now I’m working on book two!

Follow Liara on her blog * Instagram * Twitter * Facebook

1. How does it feel to have your book out in the world?

  It feels like a sigh of relief, really! It’s out there and what will happen, will happen. There’s so much build up to launch (a lot of it that authors put on themselves) that we tend to stress over every little thing – and so much of it isn’t under our control. For me there was a lot of needless worrying, because everything went fine! It’s nice to feel like a normal person again, not a Person With a Book About To Come Out. (Though of course with the sequel coming up next fall, I’ll be right back to this stage before long!)

2. What are you doing to promote the book?

After my launch party, I attended the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville for a panel and signing (and met some amazing people!) Then I took a week off to go on vacation with my family. I’ve got two signings scheduled so far for November and am working on setting up other local events for readers, writers, and students. I feel pretty tapped out online, to be honest – I’m having to work more hours at my day job which doesn’t leave me much time to promote on social media – so I’m focusing on organizing in person events, including festivals and conventions for 2018, now that the book is out. I do enjoy doing blog interviews, though!

3. What’s next for you?

Finalizing book 2 and getting it in to copyedits! I can’t wait for this sequel to be put to bed. It’s been a bit of a beast, but I think we’re close to taming it. After that, who knows?! 🙂 I’ve got a few new book ideas that have been not-too-patiently waiting their turn…

Follow Heather: Blog * Twitter * Instagram * Tumblr

1. What fun thing happened to you this month?

All of my fun things are happening at the end of the month, but I did get to go to Heather Kaczynski’s launch party for Dare Mighty Things at our local Books-a-million (which turns out to be the first brick and mortar BAM store). Heather had an awesome Q&A, a great crowd turned up, and the signing line twisted around the stacks. I’m so lucky to have another 2017 Debut author in my little city!

2. What are you working on?

Launch, launch, launch. My last week of October is slammed with events. I’ll be on a panel at the Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge on October 28. The book releases October 31. My launch party is November 2. I’m part of a local author event at Barnes & Noble on November 5. And as if that weren’t enough, I’m working on scheduling more events. It’s all exciting, but exhausting too!

3. Your book comes out Oct 31, any fun plans?

I plan on donning my devil horns and heading out to stores to (hopefully) spot my book in the wild! After some shelfies, I fully intend on gorging myself on the Halloween candy we always stock for the trick-or-treaters who never seem to make it to our back street. And maybe finish off the night with Rocky Horror Picture Show and trying not to think about the fact that people I know will finally be reading my words (eep!).

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Follow S.F. Henson: Blog *InstagramTwitter * Goodread *Facebook

 Karina Yan Glaser

1. How does it feel to have your book out in the world?
It feels amazing. I love getting photos of kids reading the book and seeing the book in bookstores or libraries.
2. What are you doing to promote the book?
I’m doing panels, school visits, and some festivals. I’ll be at the Texas Book Festival in November and the Gaithersburg Book Festival next May, plus I’m doing some bookstore events in New York City and the surrounding areas. I’ve also done a blog tour! It’s been so much fun talking about the book and seeing it shared.
3. What’s next for you?

I’m finishing up illustrations for the Vanderbeekers sequel, plus I’m drafting another book. The Vanderbeekers sequel is coming out next fall!

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Follow Karina: Twitter * Facebook * Instagram * Blog

Until next the next Pre-Pub Adventure!

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